Integrated Marketing

Integrated Marketing and Communications allows an organization to create a strategic approach to multi-channel communications that delivers a unified message to the target audience with their needs and interests in mind. I successfully work with organizations to identify their audience, fine-tune their message, and create a holistic and strategic approach to reach their objectives.

Performing Arts Marketing Plan

Client | Great Salt Lake Fringe Festival, Utah

A marketing and communication plan for a non-profit performing arts organization.

Project Highlights

  • I am experienced at data management and segmenting audiences to receive targeted and personalized communications.

  • I have worked as a project manager with diverse teams and projects using the traditional project management approach and several different digital project management software tools. I excel at motivating team members to reach their full potential and collaborate effectively.

  • I work closely with a variety of vendors to ensure that my employers receive the best prices and exceptional quality with the finished products.

Project Details

The Great Salt Lake Fringe Festival has been providing avant garde theatre to Utah residents since 2015. The festival has grown significantly in those years, primarily through the artists individually advertising their performances. Now that the festival has an established presence in the community, they are focused on increasing multi-performance attendance.

I worked with the festival co-director to identify objectives for the festival’s marketing and communications strategy and developed a plan to reach those objectives. I conducted a

survey and interviewed current patrons to better understand how patrons hear about and participate in the festival and used those insights and additional research to create an actionable plan for increasing their engagement and participation.

Activities included in the project

  • Conducted a survey of the target market and interviewed current patrons.

  • Analyzed existing social media audience and key performance indicators.

  • Researched best practices in performing arts marketing.

  • Developed a resource packet for festival artists.

Giving Society Marketing Plan

Client | Westminster College, Utah

A marketing and communication plan that prepared Westminster college office for a successful re-launch of its giving recognition society.

Project Details

In the fall of 2021, the Office of Institutional Advancement at Westminster College identified the need to re-launch their giving recognition society to steward annual donors through the donor pipeline to major gifts.

In preparation for the society re-branding and re-launch, I completed an Integrated Marketing and communication plan including an environmental analysis, program strategy, communication methods, and program messaging. The integrated marketing plan enabled the Office of Institutional Advancement to successfully launch the program in January of 2021.

Project Highlights

  • I have conducted surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observations, analyzed the resulting data, and synthesized the information to make strategic recommendations to my clients.

  • I have experience working with performing arts organizations to enhance their marketing and communications campaigns to increase attendance and philanthropic support.

  • I have conducted target audience interviews, analyzed resulting qualitative data, and synthesized the findings into actionable insights for my clients.

  • I bring all of my marketing and communication skills and strengths in strategic planning and project management to create comprehensive and actionable integrated marketing and communication plans. I have created Integrated marketing and communication plans for small businesses, performing arts organizations, and non-profit organizations.

Activities included in the project

  • Reviewed previous giving society communications.

  • Analyzed best practices in higher education giving recognition societies and how they applied to the organization’s specific context.

  • Conducted a SWOT Analysis for implementing a giving recognition society.

  • Created program branding and messaging guidelines.

  • Outcomes

    In the first six months of the society programming, there was a 37% increase in membership, 42 new donor households, and the average email open rate was over 90%.

Marketing Plan for Small Business Growth

Client | Creating the Habit, Utah

A marketing and communication plan to grow a small family-owned smoothie shop through social media and in-person engagement.

Project Highlights

  • I have conducted surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observations, analyzed the resulting data, and synthesized the information to make strategic recommendations to my clients.

  • I have conducted surveys, interviews, and observations as part of my primary market research for clients. I identify the target audience, conduct research, analyze data, and provide data-informed insights for my clients.

  • Most organizations I work with have already been communicating with their audiences. Analyzing existing content and outcomes is critical to the success of future planning.

Project Details

Creating the Habit is a small family-owned business in northern Utah that serves healthy coffees, teas, and shakes. Creating the Habit wanted to grow its online presence and increased its reach to its target audience.

I worked with a team of marketing professionals to conduct research and produce an Integrated Marketing and Communication plan to help grow the business and reach the marketing objectives. Our team conducted an environmental analysis, a survey of the target audience, and observation of current customers in order to produce a comprehensive Integrated Marketing and Communication plan with evidence-based strategies and tactics for success. 

Activities included in the project

  • Reviewed current marketing practices to make strategic suggestions for growth.

  • Conducted a survey of the business’s target market and made recommendations for marketing and communication practices based on target audience needs.

  • Analyzed social media performance data to make targeted suggestions to increase social engagement.

  • Produced integrated marketing and communication report for business.

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