Internal Communications

An organization’s internal communications set the tone for employees and reinforce its mission, vision, and values. High trust organizations build trust with their employees by providing two-way communication channels, creating opportunities for meaningful engagement, and establishing trust and accountability throughout the organization. Internal communications play a critical role in an organization’s success.

Employee Communication Assessment

Client | Westminster College, Utah

A report detailing primary and secondary research regarding an internal communication campaign with actionable insights about employee awareness and perception.

Project Highlights

  • I have conducted surveys, interviews, and observations as part of my primary market research for clients. I identify the target audience, conduct research, analyze data, and provide data-informed insights for my clients.

  • I have conducted surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observations, analyzed the resulting data, and synthesized the information to make strategic recommendations to my clients.

  • I am committed to collecting and analyzing actionable data, even for small projects, to help organizations make better decisions about how to reach audiences and allocate resources.

  • I have worked as a project manager with diverse teams and projects using the traditional project management approach and several different digital project management software tools. I excel at motivating team members to reach their full potential and collaborate effectively.

Project Details

Westminster College’s 2021 Day of Giving more than doubled the dollars raised over previous years. Part of the campaign communication strategy that I created as the director of annual giving was a segmented communications directly to college employees that acknowledged their unique role. Following the 2021 campaign, I wanted to analyze how this new segmented communication had impacted college employees’ awareness and perception of the 2021 Day of Giving.

 I conducted a survey and completed several interviews with current faculty and staff members about their experiences, conducted secondary research to develop a framework for analyzing the data, and completed a recommendation report with several actionable insights. Several of these recommendations were put into practice for the college’s 2022 Day of Giving and results are currently pending.

Activities included in the project

  • Surveyed and interviewed current employees about their awareness and perceptions of the current day of giving programming.

  • Developed a data analysis framework.

  • Analyzed survey and interview data to develop recommendations for future programming.


Created several actionable recommendations to increase employee engagement in annual day of giving fundraising campaign.

Fundraising Partner Engagment

Client | Westminster College, Utah

Communication plan and supporting resources for engaging internal offices in a large college-wide fundraising campaign.

Project Highlights

  • I have worked with volunteers through training, planning, and the implementation of the event or campaign. I am experienced at planning each stage of the experience so that volunteers feel informed, supported, and ready work!

  • I have worked as a project manager with diverse teams and projects using the traditional project management approach and several different digital project management software tools. I excel at motivating team members to reach their full potential and collaborate effectively.

  • I have conducted surveys, interviews, and observations as part of my primary market research for clients. I identify the target audience, conduct research, analyze data, and provide data-informed insights for my clients.

Project Details

Westminster College’s Annual Day of Giving, One Westminster Day, is focused on engaging the individual students, faculty, and staff members across the campus in making the case for funding their priorities. This model has shown success on the campus by engaging donors who hear directly from those who are impacted by donations and educating the fundraising partners about the important role of philanthropy on Westminster’s campus.

As the Director of Annual Giving, I oversaw One Westminster Day and was the primary point of contact for all of the fundraising partners or “campus partners.” In 2022, our team decided to expand our One Westminster Day program by nearly doubling the number of projects supported. This expansion required significant coordination and communication with the campus partners to educate them about key fundraising elements and assist them in developing their email, website, and social media content. I created a resource library and resource webpage, provided regular email updates, and conducted communication training and open office hours. This project structure enabled our annual giving team to host the most successful giving day to date.


Supported more campus partners during the annual day of giving and increased their knowledge of fundraising practices and outcomes on the campus.  

Activities included in the project

  • Created a resource library that was easily accessible by all project participants.

  • Created and updated a project website that provided access to project files and highlighted upcoming deadlines.

  • Communicated with campus partners regularly through email, phone, and drop-in office hours.

Staff Council Communications

Client | Westminster College, Utah

Communication plan and schedule for Westminster’s staff council to increase participation and event attendance.

Project Highlights

  • I have coordinated a variety of communication campaigns through print, email, social media, and more. I excel at organizing well-timed communications plans that resonate with audiences and achieve results.

  • I have planned a variety of email marketing campaigns including the process of audience segmentation, writing email content, scheduling emails as part of a multi-channel campaign, designing emails in an email management platform, and reporting on the campaign results.

  • I have found that an important aspect of working with volunteers and ambassadors is providing the tools that allow them to work independently and effectively. I have created many templates to assist volunteers in creating communications that are aligned with a larger campaign while leaving room for personalization.

Project Details

Westminster College’s Staff Council is a group of twelve volunteer staff members who organize professional development activities, community engagement events, and recognition activities to strengthen the community and support staff members across the campus.

In 2019, the council identified a need to increase staff participation in meetings and attendance at events. As the communication chair for the Staff Council, I developed a regular schedule for communicating updates to the staff, a protocol for advertising events, and templates for commonly used communications.

Activities included in the project

  • Developed a regular schedule for communicating upcoming meetings and events with staff members in a timely manner using multiple channels.

  • Organized staff council materials in shared folders to increase usability and consistency.

  • Created templates for commonly used communications including meeting notes, meeting reminders, event advertisements, and other staff council business.


Increased attendance at Staff Council-sponsored meetings and events through more consistent and targeted communication.

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